Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Natura City Developments Tbk (CITY) 2021
On Thursday, August 19, 2021, at Neo Green Savana Hotel, Sentul City, Bogor, CITY (the Company) held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The meeting was attended by the President Director of the Company Mr. Elfi Darlis, the Director of the Company Mr. Jose Francis, Mr. Yuli Dwi Kusmadi as the Commissioner of the Company, Mr. Rio Tinto Sirait as the Independent Commissioner of the Company, and several shareholders of the Company.
The implementation of the AGMS is slightly different from the previous year because it is carried out by online, where shareholders who are unable to attend the AGMS can cast their votes in the meeting through the power of attorney granted to the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau. Shareholders are also given the convenience of being able to follow the meeting online. Based on the list of shareholders, the total number of shares that were present or represented at the meeting was 75.39% of the total shares issued by the Company.
The results of the decisions from the meeting agenda include the ratification of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, balance sheets and profit and loss for the financial year ended on December 31, 2020; Approval for the use of the Company’s net profit; Approval of the granting of authority and power to the Board of Commissioners to determine the salary/honorarium for members of the Board of Commissioners and members of the Board of Directors of the Company for the 2021 financial year; and Approval to delegate the authority to appoint a Public Accountant and determine the honorarium for the Public Accountant who will audit the Company’s financial statements on December 31, 2021.