Jan 23, 2020

Public Expose PT Natura City Developments Tbk. Desember 2019


On December 19, 2019 PT Natura City Developments Tbk held an 2019 Annual Public Expose at the Neo – Green Savana Hotel, Sentul City, Bogor. The Public Expose was attended by the Company’s Board of Commissioners and Directors, Mr. Yuli Dwi Kusmadi – Commissioner, Mr. Rio Tinto Sirait – Independent Commissioner, Mr. Elfi Darlis – President Director, Mr. Jose Francis B Acantilado – Director, and was attended by shareholders and investors.

In this Annual Public Expose, Mr. Elfi Darlis, who came here at this time, has reported sales in the number of clusters from the total units marketed as many as 1,825 units, as many as 1,324, the Company has recorded funds of 1.3 trillion.

Until the end of November 2019 the company posted revenue of IDR 93,220 billion from the same period last year of IDR 119,162 billion. Meanwhile, the Company’s total liabilities as of the end of November 2019 decreased by Rp 116,036 billion from the same period last year of Rp 150,117 billion, which brought positive value to the company. The decline in revenue this year compared to the previous year related to general sales in the property sector declined both on a domestic and national scale. This decrease was caused by several factors that occurred in 2019, including the political elections of the Head of State and members of the Legislature (DPR).

With the completion of the Legislative and Presidential Elections this year, it is expected that the purchasing power of the community / investors will recover, the economy will be more stable in 2020 The company is very optimistic to increase its estimated revenue of Rp 260 billion and gross profit to Rp 150,760 billion. From the marketing side. The company targets a sales target of Rp 510 billion.

To meet the needs of current residents in addition to the operation of the Fresh Market, the company will also open a franchise shop in early 2020. The construction of a community park located between clusters 7 and 8 has been completed and can be used by residents for sports and arenas will also be carried out soon. Normalization of the river which is a major part of the construction of the Ah Poong Market will also begin soon.

The public can use the MRT according to the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (“BPTJ”) license which takes the MRT to South Tangerang, where the route will arrive in Tangerang Kota, which previously through this route will go through the Puspitek station near to Serpong Natura City. Prospective customers who want to make a Unit purchase in Serpong Natura City can choose the way that suits their customers by 3 ways to pay among others, cash reaching 60 times, and mortgages. For KPR facilities, the Company has provided several large banks.
Furthermore, as part of the Company’s commitment to provide support to the community. The company provides events with the public during the month of Ramadan, and the company provides sacrificial animals during Eid al-Adha.